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Connect Plus & Siyata SD7 - A PoC Customer Case Study

Connect Plus & Siyata SD7 - A PoC Customer Case Study

date Released On 22nd Apr 2024

Enhancing Communication and Safety in the Public Sector: A Case Study on Siyata SD7 Push-to-Talk Over Cellular (PoC) Radio.

Siyata SD7 PoC radiosThis case study examines the implementation and impact of the Siyata SD7 PoC radio for a mobile workforce operating in various environments, including workers on foot and in vehicles.

The SD7 PoC radio was adopted to improve communication, enhance user safety, and optimise operational efficiency. This study highlights the challenges faced by a leading public sector organisation, the features and capabilities of the Siyata SD7 PoC radio, and the resulting benefits and outcomes.

The customer

This organisation manages a diverse mobile workforce, including field technicians, delivery personnel, and on-site supervisors. Effective communication and safety are crucial for their daily operations.

Challenges at a glance

Before adopting the Siyata SD7 PoC radio, the company encountered several critical challenges in fleet communication and safety:

  • Limited communication range - Traditional two-way radios had limited range, resulting in communication gaps and delayed responses, particularly in areas with poor reception.
  • Inefficient dispatch workflow - Conventional communication systems required users to radio in individually, causing delays in relaying vital information and creating congestion on communication channels.
  • Lack of safety features - The organisation faced challenges in monitoring user safety and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. The absence of advanced safety features increased the risk of accidents and compromised employee well-being.

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Why use the Siyata SD7 with Connect Plus?

Nationwide Push-to-Talk Coverage

The SD7 PoC radio utilised cellular networks over our Connect Plus platform, providing wide coverage and eliminating range limitations associated with traditional radios.

Dispatch Integration

Seamless integration with the Connect Plus dispatch system enabled efficient communication, group calls, and private calling, optimising workflow and reducing communication delays.

Advanced Safety Features

The SD7 PoC radio is equipped with features such as GPS tracking, emergency buttons, Man Down, fall detection, periodic check and in-vehicle mounting options, ensuring driver safety, regulatory compliance, and peace of mind for everyone involved.

Needs Assessment

Connect Plus experts conducted a thorough evaluation of the organisation's communication requirements, identifying specific pain points and customisation needs.

Implementing a solution

Connect Plus partnered with Siyata Mobile, a leading provider of innovative communication solutions, and supplied the SD7 handheld devices to address their challenges. The Siyata SD7 PoC radio offered the following solutions:

  • Nationwide push-to-talk coverage
  • Dispatch integration
  • Advanced safety features including lone worker


The adoption of the Siyata SD7 PoC radio revolutionised communication and safety in this company's operations. With its wide coverage, seamless integration, and advanced safety features, the SD7 PoC radio empowered drivers, users on the ground and dispatchers to communicate efficiently, enhancing workflow and improving safety.

Siyata Mobile's solution emerged as an invaluable tool for the organisation, positioning them for increased efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness.

A PDF version of this Case Study is available for you to download for your own use.

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